Thanks Sra for helping me with my post yesterday. I also think that question is asking me to only compare the price differences. I have done that below.
The baskets rouges in the Grand magasin are much lower in price than the baskets noires in the Boutique.
The chaussettes roses and blanches, in the Boutique are more expensive than the chaussettes noires and violettes in the Grand magasin.
The tee-shirts vert and bleu in the Grand magasin are less expensive than the tee-shirts noir and blanc in the Boutique.
The chemise marron in the Boutique is much higher in price than the chemise violette in the Grand magasin.
The jean bleu in the Grand magasin is much cheaper than the jean bleu in the Boutique.
Un pull, une chemise are not available in the Boutique. Un blouson is not available in the Grand magasin.
Second part-make a list of what you are going to buy at each one. In the column Au grand magasin, write each item along with its color and price. Do the same in the column À la boutique. Finaly, total each column and make sure the combined amount doesn't exceed 100 euros.
Au grand magasin
-un tee-shirt bleu-7,62€
-un pull gris-18,14€
À la boutique
-un blouson jaune-64,79€
-des chaussettes roses-6,86€
Total=97, 41€
please make any corrections
4 answers
Perhaps you could add WHY certain items are in the Grand Magasin or in the Boutique?
Sra (aka Mme)
The baskets rouges in the Grand magasin are much lower in price than the baskets noires in the Boutique.
*Les baskets rouges dans le Grand magasin sont beaucoup inférieurs au prix plus des baskets noires dans la Boutique.
The chaussettes roses and blanches, in the Boutique are more expensive than the chaussettes noires and violettes in the Grand magasin.
*Les chaussettes roses et blanches, dans la Boutique sont plus chers que les chaussettes noires et violettes dans le Grand magasin.
The tee-shirts vert and bleu in the Grand magasin are less expensive than the tee-shirts noir and blanc in the Boutique.
*Le tee-shirts vert et le bleu dans le grand magasin sont moins chers que les tee-shirts noir et blanc dans la Boutique.
The chemise marron in the Boutique is much higher in price than the chemise violette in the Grand magasin.
*La chemise marron dans la Boutique est bien supérieure au prix de la chemise violette dans le Grand magasin.
The jean bleu in the Grand magasin is much cheaper than the jean bleu in the Boutique.
*Le jean bleu dans le Grand magasin est beaucoup moins cher que le jean bleu dans la Boutique.
Un pull, and une chemise are not available in the Boutique. Un blouson is not available in the Grand magasin.
*Un pull, et une chemise ne sont pas disponibles dans la Boutique. Un blouson n’est pas disponible dans le Grand magasin.
I think I've added up the columns correctly, they don't add up to 100, but they don't go over that amount either.
Au grand magasin
-un tee-shirt bleu-7,62€
-un tee-shirt noir-22,87€
-des chausettes violettes-3,81€
À la boutique
-un blouson jaune-64,79€
All together the total is= 99, 09€
More fancy type of clothing items are in the Boutique. More casual type of clothing items are in the Grand magasin. There are more high quality type of clothing in the boutique(because?)
Please make any corrections.
You said "tee-shirts" plural
Les tee-shirts verts et bleus dans le grand.....que les tee-shirts noirs et blancs.....
OR La chemise marron dans la Boutique est beaucoup plus chère...
Please look at the original directions once more. Weren't BOTH lists to total 100 euros? That could mean exactly?
A boutique is smaller, more selective, usually selling to clients that can pay more. There would be more bargains in the grand magasin.
Sra (aka Mme)
-des chausettes violettes-3,81€
-des baskets rouges-30,49€
-un tee-shirt vert-9,15€
-un tee-shirt bleu-7,62€
-un jean bleu-30,34€
-un pull gris-18,14€
Total= 99, 55€
À la boutique
-des chaussettes roses-6,86€
-des chaussettes blanches-6,10€
-un tee-shirt blanche-19,06€
-un blouson jaune-64,79€
Total= 96, 81€
My lists don't exactly total up to 100 euros. I tried to do everything to make it add up to that amount, but it just doesn't.
Here are my instructions: Then, on a separate sheet of paper, make a list of what you are going to buy at each one. In the column Au grand magasin, write each item along with its color and price. Do the same in the column À la boutique. Finaly, total each column and make sure the combined amount doesn't exceed 100 euros.
I'm not sure if this is what I'm supposed to do, I think you're right. I think that each list has to equal up to 100 euros, but it's impossible to make that happen.
thanks for your help above