Thanks Senora for your help with the baby animals. I have a few more, which I tried googling/translating, but I found nothing.



Thanks for your help

2 answers

Happy to help!

Well! A very long time ago, for fun, all my French students made a list of as many animals as we could think of = the male, the female, the baby, the cry they made, where they lived, what they ate, etc. The funny thing was that that year in the AP French exam they had to identify the "cri" of animals! I'm going to have to do research on this one!

On Enchanted Learning (incredible site for children), I learned it's called a "calf." In French a calf is "un veau" but I can't guarantee that that would also work for a baby giraffe!

oison = le bébé de l'oie et du jars

I'm late for leaving but when I get home I'll look some more!

Sra (aka Mme)
P.S. Had one last thought!

Voici = Girafeau

Sra (aka Mme)