Thanks for your help. Dawn Dupree was the artist given to us. Not our choice! Mainly I have to find her works, title of each piece and date they were completed. When I have this information and written it down, I have to do my own work and version etc. I still cannot find the dates when her works were comlpeted. From the information I have got from Jishka yesterday I now some titles of works but unforunately I don't have dates of completion.

6 answers

Isn't she still living? Why don't you email her the list and ask her?
We have, but no response from her.
Fifty years ago, I was given an assignment in College to find out why Roosevelt wore a mourning band at Casablanca. I wrote his wife, Eleanor, and asked her. She (or her secretary) wrote back, answering the question. Neat. She died two years later.
So ask.
Thanks for your replies. We have emailed Dawn Dupree direct but we haven't had a reply from her.
I'm not surprisd you had to e-mail her because I couldn't find that information either for you!
She has so many exhibitions, that whoever set that up for her may know, if you don't get a response from Dawn herself.

Many thanks for your help. I will keep trying.