Thank you very much. I left out the following definitions.
1)Lord Henry makes a panegyric of beauty, in which he defines beauty as higher than genius since it needs no explanation. 2) It is one of the great facts of the world, like sunlight or springtime. Lord Henry goes on to say that beauty is like the reflection in dark waters of that silver shell we call moon. It has its divine right of sovereignty (I can't rephrase it).
3) It is not as superficial as thought. He warns Dorian on (??) the brevity of life and implores him to live his life fully devoting it to the pursuit pleasure.
4) On the other hand, he defines old age as dreadful since it makes people hollow-cheecked, sallow and dull-eyed. 5) Old age is connected with moral and physical decadence.
Lord Henry believes Dorian shouldn't be afraid of giving in to sensations.
1 answer
2. I'm not sure you can rephrase that. It's an accepted term:
3. delete "on" and insert "about"
"pursuit of pleasure"
4. comma needed
5. Are you sure about the word "moral"? Was he saying that as people grow old, they behave more and more in immoral ways???