Thank you very much. Here are some more sentences on the same subject. Thank you.

1) The Hundred Years' War received a severe check from the 'Black Death', the bubonic plague which spread all over England in 1348. It was caused by fleas living on black rats which infested the ships trading with Europe.
2) The Black Death brough about a high mortality rate, a shortage of labour, and a rise in food prices.
3) The old feaudal ties began to change. The land started to be used for sheep farming, which implied less labour and an increase in the wool trade.
4) In particular the monasteries, which were great sheep farmers, profited from the wool trade.
The peasants could bargain with their lords for their freedom and move into towns more easily.

1 answer

1) The Hundred Years' War received a severe check from the 'Black Death', the bubonic plague, which spread all over England in 1348. It was caused by fleas living on black rats which infested the ships moving from port to port in Europe.

2) OK

3) The old feudal ties began to change. The land started to be used for sheep farming, which required less labour and provided an increase in the wool trade.

4) In particular the monasteries, which were great sheep farms, profited from the wool trade.