Thank You Sra!!! :)
PARP stand for parents as reading partners
it was a reading contest
I join 3 contests this year reflections, battle of the books @ my school, and theis gift card contest. I working really hard :)
i was chosen to be in ladies club we did a lot of fun stuff like decorate for our school dance, help the poorr, throw a party :), be guards @ the science fair and much more. I had a wonderful time :)
My pricipal said that i'll get a lot of awards. I'll let you know what I got :)
umm .. sra i thought you was a man oop srry about that it's because of your name now i know your a woman.
this year I doing al district strings AGAIN :)
next year in gr 8th Im doing ladies club again and roots and shoots it's a club when you help the world :)
if you don't know what am I talking about Im talking my awards I show you.
1 answer
Sra stands for seƱora because I have spent my life teaching Spanish, French, English, Japanese, Italian, Oral Communications, Drama and studying some 20 languages.
Sra (aka Mme)