thank you so much for the help earlier

can you tell me if I did this one right

2/(cuberroot16)= (2cuberoot16)/16 it seems to simple

4 answers

no, not correct
first of all cr(16) = cr(8)*cr(2) = 2cr(2)
so your question is really just


now just multiplying top and bottom by cr(2) does not do it, you have to multiply top and bottom by cr(2)cr(2)
to get
(cr(2))^2/2 or 2^(2/3) /2
wait your doing this right
2/2cr2 i get ok
(2/2cr2)(2cr2/2cr2)= 4cr2/(2cr2)^2
I don't get how you got that answer can you please help me understand when you multiply out
ok, from the top ...

= 2/(2cr(2))
= 1/cr(2)
= 1/cr(2) * [cr(2)cr(2)]/[cr(2)cr(2)]
on the bottom we now have cr(2)^3 which is 2, so
= [cr(2)]^2/2

(if you work out the original on a calculator you get .7937...
work out my answer on a calculator you get .7937...)
thank you so much =)