What is the question?
thank you markricebowl for your help. my teacher wants us to get the answer by reading Ezekiel 18: 1-32 but i am still comfused please help i need to give it tomorrow morning........thanks.
2 answers
Ezekiel 18:1-32 Is about Divine Judgment and Individual responsibility.
It was the believe that sins was inherited but Ezekiel was letting them know that every person is responsible for his/her own sin. If they were to repent and turn back to God. Having faith and trusting in God, He is loving and faithful to help each willing individual to gain a change of heart and mind,an able to raise about the power of sin, living each day with him in control. Giving Him control is neeeded because sin is alway knocking at the door. But a person determine through the grace, mercy and love of God will cause sin, to be less a part of their character.
It was the believe that sins was inherited but Ezekiel was letting them know that every person is responsible for his/her own sin. If they were to repent and turn back to God. Having faith and trusting in God, He is loving and faithful to help each willing individual to gain a change of heart and mind,an able to raise about the power of sin, living each day with him in control. Giving Him control is neeeded because sin is alway knocking at the door. But a person determine through the grace, mercy and love of God will cause sin, to be less a part of their character.