Susan has heard that taking an over-the-counter ‘energy’ pill, which contains as much caffeine as a strong cup of coffee, makes people feel alert and ‘speedy’. She wonders if taking this pill will make a difference to the reaction times of people doing an online reaction test.

Select from the following matching null and experimental (alternative) hypotheses for Susan’s proposed experiment.
Experimental (alternative) hypothesis ............... Null hypothesis

for null hypothesis b is correct but don't know for experimental someone help me

a) Reaction times obtained after caffeine is ingested will not differ significantly from reaction times obtained when caffeine is not ingested.

b). How fast you react does not depend on how much caffeine you have ingested.
c. Reaction times obtained
after caffeine is ingested
will be significantly
lower than reaction
times obtained when
caffeine is not ingested.
d). Caffeine makes you
feel more speedy.

1 answer

Ho: RTc = RT(non-c)

Ha: RTc < RT(non-c) (one-tailed)

Ho: b

Ha: c