Supposing that if A is equal to 1, b=2,etc. all the way to z equaling 26, what word or words starting with a B and a C total 100?
2 answers
There's a riddle link at the right of this screen.
There are many "answers" to this. Make yourself a letter-number table and start writing down some words you know that start with B and C and which have 3 to 9 letters. Add up points for each word. For example, "Crazy" will add up to 73. Now you need a B word that adds up to 27. "Ball" will work.
You should be able to come up with some solutions in ten minutes or so.
This is not really learning English. Playing Scrabble is roughly equivalent.
You should be able to come up with some solutions in ten minutes or so.
This is not really learning English. Playing Scrabble is roughly equivalent.