365 days is 52 weeks plus 1 day
So, the year will have 53 Fridays.
Day 1,8,15,...365 are all Fridays.
Suppose the first Friday of a new year is the fourth day of that year. Will the year have 53 Fridays regardless of whether or not it is a leap year?
What is a rule that represents the sequence of the days in the year that are Fridays? How many full weeks are in a 365 day year?
I understand that the year cannot have 53 Fridays regardless of whether or not the year is a leap year, but I have trouble on the next two questions.
7 answers
So what is the function rule?
um, how about 1+7w where w is the number of weeks?
But the problem says that the first Friday of the year is the year's fourth day. So, how can the days you listed be Fridays?
In your equation it seems like 2 weeks would have 15 Fridays.
the function would be 4+(n-1)7 because the first term would be 4 plus whatever other term you are trying to find minus one multiplied by the common difference which is seven
Hey there happy to answer your question even i had problems like these
A year(365 days) has 52 weeks and 1 day 365\7=52 with 1 day.
so a leap year has 52 weeks and 2 days.
so, for the friday to have 53 days of itself in the year, it would have to be the first day in case of a normal year and second in the case of a leap year.
So no it cannot have 53 fridays.
Hope it helped:-)
A year(365 days) has 52 weeks and 1 day 365\7=52 with 1 day.
so a leap year has 52 weeks and 2 days.
so, for the friday to have 53 days of itself in the year, it would have to be the first day in case of a normal year and second in the case of a leap year.
So no it cannot have 53 fridays.
Hope it helped:-)