study the Crack is Wack mural.( u can google it)

Then, write a 500-word paper using the following guidelines.

In the first part of your paper, use the art history operations to assess Crack is Wack as an artwork. Address the location of the piece (a handball court) as part of your judgment of the painting’s success.

In the second part of your paper, use art criticism and art historical methods to compare Crack is Wack to a Rivera mural like the one at the beginning of this section. How do both works address socio-political issues? How are they alike? How are they different?

Please help?! I can't get this question :(

3 answers

With long assignments like this, you have to take the directions apart and make sure you follow ALL PARTS.

"use the art history operations to assess Crack is Wack" = We don't have access to these, but you do. Use what you have been taught in order to analyze/assess this mural.

"Address the location of the piece (a handball court) as part of your judgment of the painting’s success."

"use art criticism and art historical methods to compare Crack is Wack to a Rivera mural..."

"How do both works address socio-political issues?"

"How are they alike? How are they different?"

Write up your assignment in pieces; then once you have all the pieces, work on tying them together smoothly into one paper.

You may get some ideas from some links here, too:
if u just google "crack is whack keith haring"
the first link of the 'Haring foundation' is the link to the mural
I can write about any of the Diego Rivera WPA murals