State whether the command is formal ("Ud.") or informal ("tú"). Come la sopa.

Anwser: Formal

Hable más despacio.
Anwser: Formal

No compres más ropa.
Answer: Formal

Beba m�s agua.
Answer: Informal

No vengas tarde.
Answer: Informal

2 answers

I'll send this to Sra.
Here's a short review of informal and formal.

The affirmative informal familiar command, (tú) if it is regular, is EXACTLY like the 3rd person singular. hablar = habla / comer = come / recibir = recibe. If it is irregular that form is short: venir = ven / salir = sal / hacer = haz / poner = pon / tener = ten (for examples)

The negative informal familiar command is like the Subjunctive (or opposite vowel): hablar = no hables / comer = no comas / recibir = no recibas

All formal commands (Ud./Uds.) either singular or plural use the Subjunctive, or "the opposite vowel": hablar = hable / no hable / comer = coma / no coma / redibir = reciba / no reciba
Many irregular formal commands are based on the "yo form of the Present Indicative: tener = tenga / no tenga / salir = salga / no salga (for just 2 examples)

Now look again, and it would be easier to refer to these if they had numbers.
l perfect
2. wrong = this is the negative familiar (tú) command. The way you identify the tú verb is the "s" marker.
3. wrong = this is the formal command, using the opposite vowel of an -er verb
4. correct

Feel free to ask any question you may still have.
