Great site on how sedimentary rock is formed.
Here are a couple of sites on characteristics of the types of sedimentary rock:
Great picturs of the types of sedimentary rock with a description.
speaking of clastic sedimentary rock
provide a overview of how plate tectonics affects sedimentation. answer the following question
where do sedimentary rocks orginate? A~ orginate from rock and mineral debris that are produced from the weathering and erosion of continental masses?
how are they formed?
what three categories of sedimentary rocks? A~ chemical sedimentary rocks, biogenic sedimentary rocks, and clastic sedimentary rocks?
what are the distingushing characteristics between the three catargories of rocks?
4 answers
did i answer those 2 questions right?
all of these web sites say something different about the three catagories my readings say they are 1. checmical
3. clastic
all these web site are saying differnt what do i do?
3. clastic
all these web site are saying differnt what do i do?
The sites are giving you those classifications and a couple of other minor classification.