Sorry this is my last question before I begin my final draft. Can you please explain to me what this means. I found it in a book. I know that it can be a possible positive ethic of reproductive cloning. Thank you for all of your help. I have learned a lot along the way while writing this paper. Thanks

Proponents of cloning suggested it might serve as a new, unusual but perhaps efficacious treatment for infertility, enabling those unable to pass genes to future generations to do so in a way that is at least equivalant to the linkage of twins.

2 answers

When a couple can't conceive a baby, reproductive cloning may provide a solution for them. They would produce a child who was an exact copy of the mother -- and thus pass her genes along to her child -- and thus to generations to come.

My personal opinion is that is a scary prospect. Ye gads! Does anyone in their right mind what an exact copy of herself (or himself)?

Good luck Michele. I know you've learned a lot -- as have I. So -- you're welcome -- and thank you.

I'm sure you'll have a great paper.
An off-the-wall thought --

Many years ago I read a fictional story in which Adolf Hitler was cloned dozens of times. Omg!!