Start your learning by browsing through some of these websites to find some games that look good to you.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=75746be565b0cb2f&bpcl=40096503&biw=711&bih=453
sorry but do you know any fun websites that i could play educational games and games that are for fun?
4 answers
You can try Coolmath (dot)com or Learn4good(dot)com
Well, it depends what you want to learn. There are three games that I love to play. One teaches marketing(Social-paradise). The other teaches marking too and it teaches you how to run a business(weseed). The last one teaches programming games(roblox).
miniclipgames(dot)com (this one is my fav)
miniclipgames(dot)com (this one is my fav)