I found the inverse of A to be
5/13 3/13
-1/13 2/13
A-1 A X = A-1</sup B
X =
│ 5/13 3/13││4│
│-1/13 2/13││2│
Solve the matrix equation AX =B for X using:
A= [ 2 -3] B= [4 ]
[ 1 5] [2 ]
(theres a blank space between the 4 and the 2)
2 answers
that doesn't look like I intended.
let's try that again
A-1 A X = A-1 B
X =
│ 5/13 3/13││4│
│-1/13 2/13││2│
let's try that again
A-1 A X = A-1 B
X =
│ 5/13 3/13││4│
│-1/13 2/13││2│