So, Teachers I want to know why you guys all ways say "Stop talking back" I don't get it. To have a conversation you kind of have to talk back (you know what I'm saying) ok ok before you say its your tone of voice like bruh you were 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (it is more 5th and 4th graders but you get the point) 45 years ago (most teachers are between the ages of 40 - 30 unless your me fifth or fourth grade teacher yes you miss (haha you thought) no disrespect to my elder teachers) like you of all people should know that kids are a emotional bomb waiting to explode. That's not even the problem like if the kid gets emotional why in the world would you become emotional you start they start yelling the whole world starts yelling. You have to add on that the class is judging you too so if you get mad the kids are going to take the students side (to be real with you) unless it is a kid that they don't like but if it was one of their homies you better look out. Honestly I wish if teachers would look at the kids POV the WHOLE situation would be so much better. I want to know what goes though your mind in these situations. When I was 5th grade (I sound like I am 23 I am in 6th grade) I was depress to the max and had a few panic attacks from the school work, teachers and students (once even thought of committing but got out of that from help). I just want to ask why do have to be so rude about the small things. I want to know. Parents can ask even kids I want to hear your stories in this hard times. My therapist says it is better to talk about the hard things. Anyway I will continue to ask question that my 11 and 10 month old (so close to turning 12 on Jan 22) mind has in stored. -Arlyn (Ar-Lyn like Arr then lyn)
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