So On the first day of school I went to geometry and we did a review. My teacher had us work out this problem and I've never seen it before. Other kids were doing the problem and I was just there confused. I was embarrassed and didn't want to ask for help.
Do any of you have any idea what this is. I'll try my best to set it up on here.
I'll choose random numbers also. I'm trying my best to make it look like these are boxes. Basically I put numbers in boxes, but idk what this is called or how to do it.
12,560 |+ |- | x | *division sign* |
_______ |___|__|___|_________________|
567 | | | | |
4,670 | | | | |
2 answers
ugh.. it didn't turn out to be boxes..
Please help me!
The pair of numbers giving the location of a point are called its ___
The pair of numbers giving the location of a point are called its ___