So I'm not sure if this website is considered "cheating". I used it a couple of times and I know that Connections Academy knows I'm using this since one of the teachers said that they know what I do and how quickly I finish tests. I'm worried if this is cheating and they see me cheating. I also saw a couple of teachers here so I doubt it is but I just need to know just in case.

28 answers

That depends upon how you use this site. If you don't understand a couple of questions and post your query here, we'll help you understand the question. If you check a few of your answers to make sure you're right, that's not considered cheating either.

However, if you post questions without telling us what you've done to find the answer, it's cheating. If you ask for answers, it's cheating. If you refuse to read your text and guess at answers, it's cheating.
Wondering what your mom would say. Does she supervise your learning?
I go to Connections and I am pretty sure that they won't be against it. : )
Kat -- do you mean that Connections knowingly allows students to cheat?
The assessments at the end of each lesson are open book, open notes... this policy is clearly stated in the course message boards. Coming here is not cheating. Yes, I am a mom and I supervise the learning - I am also a veteran teacher. Knowledge should be given freely, not guarded or hoarded.
Geepers. With this concept, there can be no such thing as plagarism, nor stealing answers. One wonders what the pursuit of knowledge is.
As a teacher, one needs to love the students, and love the subject, in the quest to develope student thinking processes. It is beyond my understanding, how giving answers to tests to a "student" fits into that. Maybe I am of the Aristotle branch of education, who learned from Plato, who learned from Socates, but giving answers freely is not a part of that. Asking freely given questions is a part of it, but not freely giving the answers.
Connections Academy is not preparing kids thinking skills if the content they are asking can be found in the open book. We all ask students to use the book to extend what is known into different situations, different problems, differing examples. Honestly, I am shocked a "veteran" teacher would think otherwise, that then freely giving answers to these new situations is not to be limited, and condone that behaviour for her own children.
I am a teacher at CA, and while some of the assessments might be open book or open note, NONE of them are open internet. Using this site is absolutely cheating, it is violating the honor code you and your learning coach signed when you enrolled and any question you post in here is a copyright infringement.
@ LK. I absolutely agree. This is cheating and I am so disappointed to find this. Several of my math students have passed their tests with 100% A and I can now see why :(

-They did not learn from it, they copied it. If they would apply what they learned, they would benefit much greater than a letter grade.
Hi.. I am a tutor! I think this not a cheating program.. It helps kids.. If they are cheating it is cause you teachers are not teaching right. One of my students that I tutor said that his teacher do not teach so he can understand and that is why he needs my help.. So you bull crappy teachers how bout y'all teach y'all kids right and then call them cheaters!!!
@ Online Tutor

Seriously? Do you even know how online education works?
I am a Connections Academy Teacher and I can tell you that without a doubt, using this website for test answers is considered cheating
This is cheating IF you are copying answers. If you are using to to find help with answers it’s just asking for help.
@Online Tutor? That is funny. Based on your terrible grammar and ridiculously bad writing, it is obvious you are a middle school student. Please do yourself a favor, call your teacher and do your own work instead of coming here to cheat!
Y’all need to chill and don’t come at me bc I DO COME HERE TO CHEAT
i dont think that is helping your case
If you are being technical yes it is cheating. But i really doubt that they'll catch you as of now unless they have ways into hacking into your computer and looking at what you do. And besides isn't that illegal XD
why the hell are you on here in the first place LUL
ummmmmm ok?
it seems like school as a whole is a waste of time for alot of people and i dont think it matters if you cheat in the end people are just trying to earn a rank in society that says they're smart enough to have a job and eat. you "teachers" are just teaching how to memorize information you aren't advancing anyone's "thinking skills" have you ever actually talked to your students? i have because im among them and a lot of them aren't the sharpest tools in the shed but they've got good grades. I've been talked down to by teachers and even my own parents my entire life and school is just getting REALLY old
Ok so, this website is getting abused by immature children on the internet. I am 13 and say that children should do their studies and pay attention, and then they won't have to cheat or post answers. I understand answering one question but kids do wayy too much and post the whole test. And to make it worse other kids give the answers! I am with an online public school and it is sad to see how our society is today. You will grow up to be nothing if you think everything is going to be handed to you. They won't hand you your job you have to WORK for it. Hard workers live a good life. All the kids cheating are irrelevant and immature. You are better then this! Anyone that dislikes this is because they know I'm right. Hate all you want. It's the truth. And if I'm being too mean I apoligize. However I wouldn't have anything to say if it wasn't true!!! SMH at all these kids these days. Thank you to the children that do right in this world! Have a nice day.
Honestly all this really doesn't matter. Your grades don't matter until you get in high school. When you get a job they aren't going to go look back into your middle school grades and be like " You got a f on this test?!" or be like "You cheated on this test?" the only thing that matters is high school and college. Yes, you shouldn't cheat but your grades do not matter as much as you think in middle school. High school does matter. It affects your careers and college.
I am a teacher at Connections Academy, and I can assure you that using this website is cheating. The honor code is very clear that you sign at the beginning of the year that all assessments are supposed to be the student's own work without having open book, open notes, open Internet, etc.
Why would this be considered cheating, you guys need to learn new tricks. This is way better than open book and I dont think I am the only one who doesn't like searching through notes to find answers.
i am also a connexus student and i only come here to get help and understand things better like math there are ciertian things i am not good at and that does not mean nither gives me ever the right to come and cheat just cause i dont know that would just make me know less and understand nothing so yes i agree this would be cheating but this cite also help kids and student learn more
@someone i agree with you!
Thank you for sharing that nice paragraph!.

I use this site when I don’t really understand the question.
But I don’t use it for all of the questions.
The fact that all of you well some of you are young, you still don’t have that much y’know knowledge. So you’d use this site. But do not use it for plagiarism! It’s a very bad crime.
Im sure the best way is to study. And pay attention in class! :) there’s still time to study and get some knowledge in your brain!
You’re not old yet you can still study whether you feel dumb you can still be smart! :)
Hey! I have something to tell you all. Trust me pls. Stop cheating and actually go through the assignment, I know all of the work looks like a lot and it may feel overwhelming. But just trust me, once you get into the lessons it's fun and you'll have something to feel good about. (aka doing ur work by urself.) I did this lesson all by myself! It's always good to come on here and check your answers before you submit, if you got one wrong look back and ask yourself why you got that question wrong (it's okay to get stuff wrong, nobody is perfect and ur teachers know that too). If you have no idea what's going on, don't keep cheating. Go through the lesson and see what's going on. If you still don't know, look up the meanings of terms then write them down and study them. If you find some definitions hard to understand you can type it in like this, (I'm gonna use the word decimal as an example) "Decimal easy meaning for kids." Also, don't sleep on watching videos, they actually help. Take time on the weekends if you have to. If you're very behind, don't tell urself, "I just have to get these done, so I'll look up the answers for now then once Im back on track Ill do the work." That creates a bad habit of cheating, and TRUST ME you wont understand a thing that's happening. So take your time, remember this, quality over quantity. Bye, I hoped I helped. If you need help with motivation just reply under this and I'll be more than happy to help.
Also, I saw someone say, "Your grades don't matter until High School." That's partially true, your grades will always matter. At the end of Elementary School, they look at your grades to see what kind of help you need in Middle School and select your classes based on that information. Same thing happens for going into High School. If you cheat all the way until High School, you wont have a single idea of what's happening and YOU WILL be miserable. It's best to just do the work your self no matter how long it takes you. Do the right thing. Even behind closed doors.