
habit Socioeconomic status

High Low
Smoking 15 40 55
Not smoking 25 10 35
Total 40 50 N=90

a. For these ordinal variables, which hypothesis testing is appropriate to test the relationship between SES and smoking habits variable?

b. Write the HO and H1

c. Perform the test. Is there a statistically significant relationship between SES and Smoking?

1 answer

A. Chi square

B. Ho: Smoking is not related to SES.

H1: Smoking is related to SES.

C. Use the Chi-square (X^2) method.

X^2 = ∑ (O-E)^2/E, where O = observed frequency and E = expected frequency.

∑ = sum of all the cells.

E = (column total * row total)/grand total

df = n - 1, where n = number of cells

Look up value in X^2 table in the back of your textbook.