Six suggestions on how to combat the violations of human rights.
16 answers
See the Related Questions below.
How they combat the human rights violation
Human rights are the basic rights
and freedoms to which all humans
are considered entitled: the right
to life, liberty, freedom of thought
and expression, and equal
treatment before the law, among
others. These rights represent
entitlements of the individual or
groups vis-B-vis the government,
as well as responsibilities of the
individual and the government
Such rights are ascribed
"naturally," which means that they
are not earned and cannot be
denied on the basis of race, creed,
ethnicity or gender.[1] These rights
are often advanced as legal rights
and protected by the rule of law.
However, they are distinct from
and prior to law, and can be used
as standards for formulating or
criticizing both local and
international law.
It is typically
thought that the conduct of
governments and military forces
must comply with these standards.
and freedoms to which all humans
are considered entitled: the right
to life, liberty, freedom of thought
and expression, and equal
treatment before the law, among
others. These rights represent
entitlements of the individual or
groups vis-B-vis the government,
as well as responsibilities of the
individual and the government
Such rights are ascribed
"naturally," which means that they
are not earned and cannot be
denied on the basis of race, creed,
ethnicity or gender.[1] These rights
are often advanced as legal rights
and protected by the rule of law.
However, they are distinct from
and prior to law, and can be used
as standards for formulating or
criticizing both local and
international law.
It is typically
thought that the conduct of
governments and military forces
must comply with these standards.
The government must take responsibilities of the individuals
it is a pragmatic growth strategy
In order to stop this cycle of violence state must institute policies aimed at human rights protection
Pls help me with the answers
six suggestions on how to combat the violations of human rights
I need a help about my project
Six how to combat the violations of human rights
i thnk de gorvernmnt mst take part abt wat is happning n there aftr tke responsbility abt it yah dats wat i think
The government must take responsibilities of the individual
People should not be violated because some people are weak
I think is all about the poverty in the world
report violation to international violation
Majority of people must be able to comprises as one nationa in a country