Ana no me visita. = Ann does not visit me.
Ana no te visita. = Ann does not visit you (fam.)
Ana no le visita = Ann does not visit him, you (ONLY IN SPAIN), otherwise:
Ana no lo visita. = Ann does not visit him, it, you (masc. sing.)
Ana no la visita. = Ann does not visit her, it, you (fem.)
Ana no nos visita. = Ann does not visit us.
Ana no os visita. = Ann does not visit you (fam. pl.)
Ana no los visita. = Ann does not visit them, you (m. pl)
Ana no las visita. Ann does not visit them, you (f. pl)
You must choose only from these:
me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las
Ana no me habla. = Ann does not speak to me.
Ana no te habla. = Ann does not speak to you (fam. sing.)
Ana no le habla. = Ann does not speak to him, to her, to you (sing.)
Ana no nos habla. = Ann does not speak to us.
Ana no os habla. = Ann does not speak to you (fam. pl.)
Ana no les habla. = Ann does not speak to them, to you (pl.)
*The meanings of "le" and "les" may be clarified by adding "a él, a ella, a Ud., a ellos (-as), a Uds." after the verb.
Ana le habla a él = Ann speaks to him.
*NOTE: these words are either stated or understood: to, for, at, from...someone
You choose ONLY from these: me, te, le, nos, os, les.
NOTICE THAT DIRECT- AND INDIRECT-OBJECT PRONOUNS ARE THE SAME HERE: me, te, nos, os. That means you don't have to understand what you are doing really to get these. The trouble comes in the 3rd person singular and/or plural. These are different: lo, la OR le and los, las, OR les. Here you must understand what you are doing!
They generally precede the verb. = Pedro no la ve. OR Carmen les escribe.
1. Affirmative command.
Tómelo Ud. = Take it BUT
No lo tome Ud. = Don't take it.
2. Infinitive.
Voy a tomarlo. OR
Lo voy a tomar.
Both are correct!
3. Present participle
Dolores está tomándolo. = Dolores is taking it. OR
Dolores lo está tomando.
Both are correct!
The only time you might have difficulty with #2 or #3 is when you have TWO object pronouns. Wherever you put them, they MUST stay together. You can not put one in front and one behind!
Now, if you would like any exercises, let me know, otherwise the explanation may be enough!