Alicia, it will be up to you to separate the following into 2 columns = similariaties and differences. This is merely "brainstorming:"
The Triangles: Casandra, Federico, Aurora
el Marqués Carlos, Aurora, Federico
1. note Federico appears in both triangles
2. sadness, distrust - between Casandra & Federico but also between Aurora & Federico
3. acceeding to the Duke's wishes - Federico pretends to do this in both triangles
4. reciprocal love - between Casandra & Federico & Carlos & Aurora
5. one-sided love - Aurora & Federico in both triantles
6. impossible love = Casandra & Federico and Aurora & Federico
7. unrequoited love - Federico & Aurora in both triantles
8. friendship - Casandra & Aurora and Carlos & Federico
9. discussing love with a servant - Casandra and Federico
10. jealousy - between Casandra & Federico and Aurora & Federico
11. killing - Federico kills Casandra and Carlos kills Federico
12. deceit - just about everywhere!
13. persuasion - Casandra tries to get Federico to marry Aurora and Federico tries to get Carlos to marry Aurora
14. trickery = Federico is tricked by the Duke and so is Carlos
15. suffering - just about everywhere!
16. treachery - that too~
17. doubt - Casandra doubts Federico's love and Federico doubts Aurora's
18. pretense - a great deal of that in both triangles
19. desire - Casandra & Federico, Aurora's desire first for Federico and then for Carlos, Carlos' desire for Aurora
20. vice - Casandra & Federico, but in those days NOT between cousins (Federico & Aurora)
21. sin - for Casandra & Federico to talk alone and for Carlos & Aurora to talk alone (in the garden) = 2 unmarried people without a due�ña was a "no-no" in those days
22. justice - Casandra & Federico are united in death, while Carlos & Aurora are united in life
1. In one triangle there are 2 women but in the other there are 2 men
2. In one triangle there are 2 that die but in the other, 2 live
3. requoited love (reciprocal) in one triangle and unrequoited in another (yet again, there is reciprocal love in both)
Hopefully I won't have to reread that play one more time!
3 answers