Should Ms. Sue be banned from Jiskha for yelling at kids who are only trying to learn?

34 answers

Did Ms. Sue advise you to read your text materials or the links we direct you to? Or tell you that you can't cheat? Or that we don't let you find the right answer by process of elimination? Learning is not just getting the right answer to your quiz questions. That's just passing the test, not learning. There is a difference.
SHE BANNED KIDS IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE RULES Don't post 1. whole tests/quizzes/pre-tests ...

2. Don't post answers to whole tests/quizzes/pre-tests ... or any parts of them.

3. Don't post "answers" on other students' posts. Nearly all students who do this are guessing, and guessing never helps anyone.

4. Don't be rude or insulting or use filthy language.
Guys, Ms. Sue is only ever trying to help. If you have a problem with her, then maybe you guys should be banned.
NO she shouldn't because she is just trying to help kids but uhh, other people also try to be her so maybe a (fake miss sue) has been yelling at kids

Just an assumption
I like how the topic on this is "Philosophy". Seriously, some philosophies are either true or false.
She’s mean >:(
sue is my dad she verbally phsyically and mentally abuses me at home she should be banned foreverrr!!!! but i cant get enough of sue hurting me it really gets me off
Not gonna lie that comment is funny asf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
LMAO Im dieng at the comments!!! but yeah she should or at least be able to block her from your account or posts
This mans really said MS.Sue is either fake or real??? SMH philosopher hombre
Guys please show some respect ms sue just passed away
^^^ how do you know?
charlie one of the other tutors made a post about it
you have a point
"but i cant get enough of sue hurting me" Oh come on people are overly sensitive. Guys, Ms. Sue is a good person and she tries to help people who need help with homework. Stop getting offended so easily. yeah I know shes a bit mean and crabby but that's her personality, that's just how some people are and you have to deal with it, also even when she does help someone and shes not being rude people automatically dislike her comment, so who's the mean one then?
Oh my god. You people. Ms.Sue passed some time in December of 2019. Show SOME form of respect to the dearly departed, will you? She didn't want people to cheat or be rude. That was it. She never hurt anyone, so show some respect. Ms.Sue was a good person and deserved to be treated as such.
Wait if Miss.Sue died in 2019 then how did she answer my question that i posted a few weeks ago maybe in like February and she was very rude to me and told me that i can not post a question anymore even though i just posted it one time. I don't think that she should be banned i just think that she should be more kind, or stop telling us to post questions when we need help, and she could change her attitude towards us the people that she is helping.
@Savannah, that Ms.Sue is fake.
@ Anonymous Do you mean the Ms. Sue is fake or are you saying that she didn't really die?
Personally she should be and i have many reasons as such:

Her job is to help,correct? well if so she is failing -.-
"We are not going to help you with your work"
"Learn how to speak English"
She is rude -.- as shown
ALSO she really just REALLLYYY goes out of her way to say were cheating :)
Just because we want to know the answers JUST BECAUSE we are using this site JUST BECAUSE we are BEGGING does not mean we are cheating, we are trying to get help from a teacher, and apparently she wont give it.

While she is a Teacher/tutor no person has the authority to be rude to anyone i say she should be Banned,but who am i kidding -.- that wont happen.
Also SHE IS NOT DEAD LIKE SRSLY she is alive -.- get over it i have proof if you are in Connectiosn Academy(2020) she holds LL's for students so i ask you this, how can she be dead IF SHE IS GIVING STUDENTS LIVE LESSONS o.o LIKE SRSLY THINK
@Just Monika, You seriously believe that only ONE person is named Ms Sue? Ms Sue died on December 11 2019, there was a whole post about it.

P.S You should really spellcheck your
oh, and, "mrs. sue is my daddy," next time you post something, please reconsider whatever you are saying.

And, I'm sorry to say, but Ms. Sue really passed away.
She was a kind of distant relative. I doubt I should be saying this, but her real name was Susan Hope. She was hopeful, yes; but, I just don't know how to put it.

Let me just spit it out, then: She died of a heart stroke.

Please, at least let her rest. You gave her enough trouble already. If you do not trust me, go check other posts. Ms. Sue is not in any of them (that is, unless there is a person pretending to be like her and disgracing the legacy she put on Jiskha.)

Please Please PLEASE!!!
I trust anonymous. It's sad that Ms. Sue passed away :( She wasn't being rude or
Anything like the people on the posts. She really was a good teacher. The people who were being mean to Ms. Sue should be banned from jishka.
Ms.Sue is a good teacher
lmao hyy
Mmmm Anonymous has a point. If they know her real name then, well..... Rest In Peace Ms. Sue...
i feel so bad for ms sue passing knowing there is a thread saying about how much they hate her. rest in peace
R.I.P Ms.Sue
Forever in our hearts <3
This post aged well

Regardless of Mrs. whoever's death you don't have to show ANYBODY ANY RESPECT just because they are dead. That is just what society expects you to do. If you genuinely didn't like the person DON'T GIVE THEM ANY RESPECT OR ACT LIKE YOU DO because you DON'T have to. ALSO! DO NOTTTT SAY "GUYS πŸ˜”πŸ₯Ί" BECUASE NOT EVERYONE IDENTIFIES AS A MAN NOR IS ONE! I HATE THAT THIS IS SO OVERLOOKED IN SOCIETY IT MAY OFFEND PEOPLE OS PLEASE JUST SAY YALL. ITS ONLY 1 EXTRA LETTER. YOU. WILL. LIVE.

Thanks you,

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