What did the officer in charge do when Sherry asked about her watch?
The officer in charge opened her cupboard and showed Sherry her watch.
Sherry wore her new watch to school. The strap was loose, and the watch fell off when Sherry realized that her watch was lost. Sunil and she looked for it all over, but could not find where it could have fallen. She was upset, and told her teacher about it. The teacher told her to ask about it, at the school office. Sherry then went there and enquired about her watch. The officer in charge, smiled at the sherry and opened her cupboard. There was her watch. Sherry was overjoyed. She thanked the officer in Change and left with her. Watch how happy Sherry was.
2 answers
Sherry wore her new watch to school. The strap was loose, and the watch fell off when Sherry realized that her watch was lost. Sunil and she looked for it all over, but could not find where it could have fallen. She was upset, and told her teacher about it. The teacher told her to ask about it, at the school office. Sherry then went there and enquired about her watch. The officer in charge, smiled at the sherry and opened her cupboard. There was her watch. Sherry was overjoyed. She thanked the officer in Change and left with her. Watch how happy Sherry was.