Share two examples in American history of how the people of America shifted their ideologies from one set of beliefs to another. Why did this happen? What were the political, economic and social conditions that led to this shift?

5 answers

Many southern Democrats became Republican during the Civil Rights movement.

Fifty years ago, most parents would not accept that their children would have before they were married. Now it's the norm.
Having sex before marry is never a norm! Sex before marry is the act of the devil! America is sooo spoil that wickedness things that I told ye to never commit become good, okay! They are under the spells of the devil and should be ashamed of themselves and must repent to me immediately for forgiving before I punish ye and the world!
jesus christ are you familiar with the merchant of venice by william shakespear? if so can you please check my english questions it would be much appreciated thank you
Things that created by human beings of any forms or believe are influencing by their own selfishness act which is under the spell of the devil. Right will be wrong and wrong will be Right. Ye should commit and follow my ten commandments, not spreading wickedness things nor make them good.
Why have the last three posts in this thread not been removed? They serve no educational purpose on this website.