Comment and discuss about this continued trend in the "liberalization" of media content despite the last few decades of conservative "family values" political movements and organizations - and their like minded members of congress -fighting a loosing battle to have state and federal governments’ control over what they view as harmful media content. Where is the trend leading in the near to moderate term?

5 answers

Good heavens! I do not want the federal, state, or local governments telling me what I can read or see. I'll be the judge of content that is harmful to me.

If I'm offended by an ad, I don't look at it and don't buy the product. If I'm offended by a book or TV program or internet blog, I put it away or switch to another channel or website.

Freedom of speech was written into our Constitution for a purpose. And that purpose still stands.
I agree, now where would you say the trend is leading in the near to moderate term?
We'll gradually see more liberalization. Society's norms keep changing, whether we like it or not.

My mother's generation was the first to see women cut their hair short, wear short skirts, and pants. They scandalized their elders. When I was a child, a married couple couldn't be shown in movies in the same bed.

What do you think?
I think sadly you are correct, so I guess we got to accept what it is.
Is it so sad? Do you want to go back to the societal norms of the 1890s? or 1920s? or 1960s?

Which years do YOU think the media portrayed acceptable moral standards?