Scott’s Good-bye
We saw the months of wicked weather,
As day to painful night did turn,
Waiting, huddled close together
For the frozen sun’s return.
Our nights were almost endless torture.
Our food was gone. Our fuel was low.
We came in search of grand adventure
But ended trembling in the snow.
Each morning’s effort took us southward,
Like moths to flames we sought our goal.
We knew not that far out ahead
Amundsen had reached the Pole.
We found his flag one bitter morning
And knew our hopes had come to woe.
We had come pursuing glory
But ended freezing in the snow.
Hour by hour our strength has left us
But we’ve struggled on for days.
With nothing more than will to guide us
We have tried to reach our base.
The nights are cruel, the wind is heartless,
With its ceaseless whip and moan.
We gave our all; we fought our hardest
But ended dying in the snow.
Scott’s Immortality
Robert Falcon Scott was a British Navy captain who became famous as an explorer of Antarctica. In 1901 he commanded a British ship that sailed farther south than any other ship had before. As a result, he was able to raise money and teams for additional explorations.
In 1910 he set out to be the first to reach the South Pole. However, other explorers had the same goal. When Scott finally arrived at the Pole in January of 1912, he discovered the flag of Norway waiting there—a Norwegian explorer, Roald Amundsen, had beaten Scott to the South Pole by a month.
Caught in blizzards and slowed by illness, Scott and his companions never returned to their camp. They died in March, and their frozen bodies were discovered eight months later.
Scott’s achievements during life and his tragic death brought him much recognition. Many books, poems, songs, and movies were written about him. In 1913 a song titled “In Memoriam of Captain Scott and His Heroic Comrades: ‘Tis a Story That Shall Live Forever” was recorded. Its first verse is as follows:
What a glorious tale again is told
Of heroism grand,
Of British men with British hearts,
Out in the Great White Land,
A band of heroes, brave and true,
See standing, side by side,
Amidst eternal ice and snow,
All faithful ‘til they died.
Two movies were made about him, the first in 1933. It was called 90 Degrees South: With Scott to the Antarctic. Another film, called Scott of the Antarctic, was made in 1948.
Many poems have been written about Scott’s ill-fated journey, but few were written in free verse. If you try writing a free verse poem about Scott, remember a few simple rules. Free verse does not use rhyme. It does not use regular meter or line length, either. However, you must be even more careful about how you use rhythm when writing free verse. Consider using repetition in your free-verse poem.
1. Most of the stanzas in the poem use
A. slant rhyme.
B. end rhyme.
C. perfect rhyme.
D. internal rhyme.
2.Which of the following lines from the poem uses a simile for description?
A. We came in search of grand adventure
B. But ended trembling in the snow
C. Like moths to flames we sought our goal
D. The nights are cruel, the wind is heartless
3. The passage includes instructions for writing a free verse poem. If you were taking notes on these instructions, which of the following would you have written?
A. Use an abab rhyme scheme.
B. Do not vary line length.
C. Do not use imagery.
D. Use repetition.
4. How do you interpret the line of the poem “And knew our hopes had come to woe”?
A. They were disappointed, because they wanted to reach the Pole first.
B. They were sad, because Amundsen had died.
C. They were bored from taking such a long trip.
D. They realized they would never get home to Great Britain.
5. Which statement about Scott best describes his character?
A. He often sought fame and fortune.
B. He was stubborn and willing to risk everyone’s lives to achieve a goal.
C. He was determined and curious about the world around him.
D. He was constantly searching for money to fund his expeditions.
6. Which of the following personal emotions might a student use to connect to the poem and the passage?
A. the drive to explore the world
B. the interest in Roald Amundsen
C. the passion for creating poetry
D. the interest in movies from the 1940s
7. Read this line from the poem.
“We found his flag one bitter morning”
By repeating the “f” sound, this line uses
A. analogy.
B. metaphor.
C. alliteration.
D. lyric.
8. “In the snow” is repeated three times in “Scott’s Goodbye.” What meaning might the writer have hoped to convey by repeating this phrase?
A. The snow was breathtakingly beautiful.
B. The snow and cold were inescapable.
C. The snow was melting away.
D. The snow was a comfort to the
12. Sometimes leaders have to make difficult decisions. Scott chose to pursue his goal of reaching the South Pole despite very dangerous weather conditions. What did he have to consider when making his decision? Why do you think he made the choice he did? Explain your answers.
13. A person who wants to dilute a solution is most likely going to
A. use it quickly.
B. give it to someone else.
C. pour it out slowly.
D. add water to it.
14. A jovial boss would tend to
A. chuckle.
B. disagree.
C. promote.
D. sulk.
15. If you are asked what your motive was, it is the same as saying
A. Why did you do it?
B. When did you do it?
C. How did you do it?
D. Where did you do it?
For questions 16 and 17, choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
16. It was my __________, and not my work history or references that got me in the job in the end.
A. incompetence
B. persistence
C. reverence
D. sequence
17. A strenuous hike is one that would
A. be physically demanding.
B. take longer than expected.
C. include beautiful scenery.
D. require a partner to complete.
Identify the underlined portion of the sentences below.
18. MY FRIEND MARY is coming with us to the zoo.
A. complete predicate
B. complete subject
C. simple predicate
D. simple subject
19. Most readers WILL WAIT PATIENTLY for the next book in the series to be released.
A. complete predicate
B. complete subject
C. simple predicate
D. simple subject
20. When the concert is over, WE CAN GO OUT FOR A QUICK SNACK.
A. complete predicate
B. complete subject
C. simple predicate
D. simple subject
21. Arrived ten minutes late, but still managed to squeeze in at the last minute.
A. He arrived ten minutes late, but still managed to squeeze in at the last minute.
B. Arrived ten minutes late, but still managing to squeeze in at the last minute.
C. Ten minutes late, but still managed to squeeze in at the last minute.
D. This is a complete sentence. No correction is necessary.
22. Take out the trash before it overflows into the driveway!
A. Take out the trash before it overflows into the driveway and makes a mess.
B. Would you please take the trash out before it overflows into the driveway?
C. You should take out the trash before it overflows into the driveway.
D. This is a complete sentence. No correction is necessary.
23. With a loud roar, raced across the tall grass and began mowing it down.
A. With a loud roar, raced quickly across the tall grass and began mowing it down with a vengeance.
B. Raced quickly across the tall grass and began mowing it down with a loud roar.
C. With a loud roar, the lawnmower raced across the tall grass and began mowing it down.
D. This is a complete sentence. No correction is necessary.
PLZ Check My Answers
17. b or c
9 answers
20. The right answer is not shown.
7. A
6. B
7. C
18 B
6 is A
You're right for 7 and 18.