Scenario Project

as a detective with a local law enforcement department, you are one of the first to arrive at the scene of a drive-by shooting, which resulted in the death of a teenage male. The shooting occurred at a corner gas station of a low-income neighborhood. A number of witnesses approach you, including a child who was playing outside; a hearing-impaired, visualy shaken man who was pumping gas at the station; and a group of young gang members, upset by thier friends' murder.

2 answers

What is your question regarding this scenario?
Well it is more to it
1) Discuss potential communication barriers that you might encounter and how you might overcome them.
2)Indicate the impact your nonverbal communications may have while interacting with other officers, witnesses and possible suspects.
3) Describe the interviewing process you would follow for each witness.
4) how do you go about speaking with the hearing-impaired man, the child and the gang members?
5) Discuss the technology used thourghout the investigation and in the courtroom
6) What are the ethical issues to consider?
7) Compose a report based on the who, what, when, where, why and how infomation available.
8)Who are the key participants in this trial? Discuss credibility issues
9) what role will you play inthe trial, if any?

What I am looking for where on the net look for examples of something like this. It has to be 1750-2100 word paper.