Divide the separation distance by the speed of light, using scientific notation.
We will be glad to critique your work, if necessary.
saturn is approximately 1.4 x10^9 kilometers from the Sun. If light travels at approximately 3.0 x 10^5 kilometers per second, how long does it take light from the Sun to reach Saturn? Express your answer in scientific notation.
8 answers
We will be happy to check your work or thinking.
I divided 1.4 x 10^9/3.0 x10^5=
4.7 x 10^4 sec
4.7 x 10^4 sec
Try again. You got the exponent wrong
answer=4.7 x10^3
I thought you take 10^9-5 or 10^4 is the exponent
0.47*10^4 = 4.7*10^3
I understand now. When i divided it gave me .047. Thank you for your help.