Rish kind of doth mater to purchase cloth materials for his shop. He purchased two kinds of cloth materials: Shirt material that costs 40 per metre and skirt material that cost for & 80 per metre. For every 3 metres of the sk irt material, he bought 4 metres of shirt material. He sold the materials at 12% and 10% profit repectively. If we consider that common ratio as x, then answer the following questions.

69. Find the sale price of skirt material.
(A) 258.8x
(B) 268.8x
(C) 270x
(D) 287.7x
70. Find the sale price of shirt material.
(A) 173x
(B) 174x
(C) 175x
(D) 176x
71.Find the total sale.
(A) 434.8x
(B) 440x
(C) 444.8X
(D) None of these
72.1 total sale is Rs/- 44480, then x =
(A) 100
(B) 200
(C) 300
(D) 400
73. How much shirt material did Rishabh buy, total sale is Rs 44480/-.
(A) 300 metres
(B) 400 metres
(C) 500 metres
(D) 600 metres

1 answer

69. (D) 287.7x
70. (C) 175x
71. (A) 434.8x
72. (A) 100
73. (B) 400 metres