14 answers

This makes no sense. I understand, in current times, wannabee pollticians/leaders speak in short bursts of meaningless words, and receive thunderous applause, but in the end, only clear thoughts last. What is it you want to ask?
I think you mean "rights" (plural, as in civil rights). Is this a quotation from someone's speeches or writings? What is the context? What is your question about it?
Rights are given to the citizens by the government.It is for all over development of citizens.But gvrnment also do expect from its citizens to fulfil their duties. If citizens will seek for their rights shamelessly without fulfilling their respective duties {expected from them to be fulfilled},then the country will be nothing more than a RIGHT SEEKING AREA and the all the governmental,political and social activities will be STOP .
Rights without duties means anarchy this means that rights are given to the citizens by government. It is for all over development of citizens. But government also do expect from its citizens will seek for their rights shamelessly without fulfillin their respective duties (expected from them to be fulfilled),then the country will be nothing more than a RIGHT SEEKING AREA and the all the governmental,political and social activities will be stop.
Rights and duties are the two sides of the same coin. They are interrelated and they cannot be separated from each other. We cannot claim our rights without performing our duties. For example ,as a student, we have the right to education. At the same time, it is our duty to utilize this right properly by studying and following the instructions given by the teacher.
Rights and duties are born together, live together and die together. Rights are useless without duties. We can say that right without duties is meaningless. Thus, rights without duties mean anarchy.
Rights and duties are the two sides of the same coin. They are interrelated and they cannot be separated from each other. We cannot claim our rights without performing our duties. For example ,as a student, we have the right to education. At the same time, it is our duty to utilize this right properly by studying and following the instructions given by the teacher.
Rights and duties are born together, live together and die together. Rights are useless without duties. We can say that right without duties is meaningless. Thus, rights without duties mean anarchy.
Right without duties is anarchy. If we don't use any one. It can't get right whatever we need. If we are observed right but not duties it will be handicapped.for ex:we following any right ,we should also fulfil duties as like we are getting righ we should provide duties for the country.
It is like a same coin. Anarchy means that given right to the citizen. They cannot be seprate from each other. Right are useless without the duties. We can say right without duties is meaningless. It is for all over development for citizen. They are like a same stick of both side. As another word we can say that It is the same wheel of the two side..
So the Right and Duties means the anarchy
Rights without duties means anarchy. If we don't use any one of them it is useless. We cannot claim our rights without performing our dutirs. For example as a student,it is our right to get education. At the same time ,it is our duty to utilize this right properly by studying,listening to teacher and following the instructions given by the teacher.

Rights and duties are two sides of coin. The can't be separated from each other. The are interrelated to each other. We can say right without duties is meaningless. It is same like wheel of the two sides.

Right and duties are born together, live together,and dir together. We can say right without duties is like monkey without tail. Thus,right and duties means anarchy.
for project work
Rights and duties are the two sides of the
same coin. They are interrelated and they
cannot be separated from each other. We
cannot claim our rights without
performing our duties. For example ,as a
student, we have the right to education.
At the same time, it is our duty to utilize
this right properly by studying and
following the instructions given by the
Rights and duties are born together, live
together and die together. Rights are
useless without duties. We can say that
right without duties is meaningless. Thus,
rights without duties mean anarchy. Rights without duties means anarchy. If
we don't use any one of them it is
useless. We cannot claim our rights
without performing our dutirs. For
example as a student,it is our right to get
education. At the same time ,it is our duty
to utilize this right properly by
studying,listening to teacher and
following the instructions given by the
Rights and duties are two sides of coin.
The can't be separated from each other.
The are interrelated to each other. We can
say right without duties is meaningless. It
is same like wheel of the two sides.
Right and duties are born together, live
together,and dir together. We can say
right without duties is like monkey without
tail. Thus,right and duties means anarchy.
Answer was really good thank you