Right now, i'm learning about two types of ways to develop writing: directional Process Analysis, and Informational process analysis.

In directional: this is when you follow step by step directions to complete something.
some examples of topics that might use this process are: making paper, changing a car tire, stenciling a wall, building a go-cart, applying make-up, typing a business letter,..so on
basically, anything that has to do with following directions, can be written in directional form.

Informaitonal: the directions in this type of process analysis are more general and don't rely heavily on "ingredients" or step-by-step instructions. instead, authors provide specific information and ex to explain how the process works. some example of a topic that uses this kind of process that i can think of might be: explaining how a bill becomes law, discussing how to get along with difficult co-workers, studying effectively, planning a garden, etc

so this much i get so far.
but what can be some topics that would be better if they used BOTH of these analysis? there isn't anyting that i can come up with.

3 answers

Planning a garden would be an excellent topic to use both of those types of analysis on.... also planning a party, organizing a community help program.
well, planning a garden is already in the 'information' section.

why do you think planning a party or organizing a community help program use both of the methods to develop the topic?
Why do YOU think both methods might be effective?