ReWrite using APA format

1. Snow,C.E,Burns,M.S& Griffin, P.(Eds).(1998).preventing reading difficulties in young children. Washington,DC:National Academy Press. Suggests that the most effective way to build learners literacy skills is to begin by teaching them to read and write in their home language. (Paragraph 10

2. The manner in which one learns are all to a large extent determined by the society in which one lives (Merriam, S.B.,&Caffarella,S.S.(1991). Learning in adulthood: Adult learning and contemporary society. San Francisco, CA:Jossey-Bass.).(paragraph 21).

2 answers

Read this carefully:
In citing something from an edited book, as in the first exercise, you should cite the author of the article or paper itself, not the editors of the book. In the reference list you would list the author of the article or paper, then list the book in which it was published.