Rewrite using a possessive noun: the (separate) bikes of Keith and Frank, the brooms of the witches, and the dog of Mike and Erin

12 answers

The house of my family is made of brick.
My family's house is made of brick.
I gave you an example of how to do it. Read the link!

The house of my family... My family's house. Which words are nouns? How is one of them made possessive?

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If you still don't understand, this from Walsh (1966), PLAIN ENGLISH HANDBOOK:

"The possessive case indicates ownership, possession, or similar relationship. 'This is Robert's book.'

To form the possessive singular of a noun, us an apostrophe and 's' after the word: the boy's cap, the girl's book.

To form the possessive of a noun that ends in 's' or the 's' sound, add the apostrophe only: He did it for his conscience' sake.

Form a possessive of a plural noun that ends in 's' by adding the apostrophe only: The two boys' caps were torn. The three students' books are here."
"When two nouns are used to indicate common ownership, the sign of possession is placed after the second noun: Smith and Brown's office. (Smith and Brown occupy the same office.)"
What's the awnser
Bro I have the same question I dont know the answer :( it might be Keith and Franks' Bike's? I dont knowwwww
Nahh I got it I think its:

Keith and Franks' Bikes
Since Keith and Frank each have their own bike both names have an apostrophe s
I just want the answer its not hard just to tell us the answer
this does not really help you do not give the full answer