Rewrite the following Sentences using possessive adjectives instesd of de and the prepositional phrase.
1.le château du roi
Son le château
2) L'appartement d'Annick
Sa appartment
3)Son cousin est la fille de son oncle
Son cousin est sa fille.
Please check for me. Thanks
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. These are the possessive adjectives, which agree in number and gender with the NOUN modified, depending upon the subject: mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses, notre, nos, votre, vos, leur, leurs.
1. le château du roi = son cháteau
2. l'appartement d'Annick = son appartement (check your spelling of appartement, masc. sing.)
3. Son cousin est la fille de son oncle = Son cousin est sa fille = right!
NOTE: Don't forget when the noun is feminine singular but begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or unaspirated "h" the masculine singular noun is used. Example = my water/my waters = mon eau BUT mes eaux.