Revise the following paragraph, improving it without changing its overall meaning. Pay particular attention to any potential sentence fragments.
Cooking is not as easy as it looks. For example, the terminology. Selecting the freshest ingredients for cooking. It is important. The biggest challenges like knowing where to begin, and understanding the instructions. Even washing and preparing fresh vegetables. The cookbook can help if it has pictures. Written instructions are not easy. Good results means having the right tools. Skillets, sauce pans, spatulas, spoons, whisks and others for example. Who would have thought making breakfast would be so hard? There is a lot to learn. Especially in cooking.
Here is my corrections below:
Cooking is not as easy as it looks. For example, the terminology, of selecting the freshest ingredients for cooking, is important. The biggest challenges are knowing where to begin, and understanding the instructions. Even washing and preparing fresh vegetables. The cookbook can help if it has pictures. Written instructions are not easy. Good results means having the right tools. Skillets, sauce pans, spatulas, spoons, whisks and others for example. Who would have thought making breakfast would be so hard? There is a lot to learn, especially in cooking.
9 answers
Cooking is not as easy as it looks, for example, the terminology. Selecting the freshest ingredients for cooking is important. The biggest challenges are knowing where to begin and understanding the instructions. Even washing and preparing fresh vegetables must be done a specific way. The cookbook can help if it has pictures. Written instructions are not easy. Good results means having the right tools, skillets, sauce pans, spatulas, spoons, whisks and others for example. Who would have thought making breakfast would be so hard? There is a lot to learn, especially in cooking.
Thank you very much.
You're very welcome.
Cooking is not as easy as it looks. For example, the terminology can be difficult to understand. In addition, selecting the freshest ingredients for cooking is important. The biggest challenges are knowing where to begin and understanding the instructions; one step in the process is washing and preparing fresh vegetables. A cookbook can help if it has pictures, whereas written instructions are more challenging. Good results mean having the right tools, such as skillets, sauce pans, spatulas, spoons, whisks and others.
Who would have thought making breakfast would be so hard? There is a lot to learn, especially in cooking.
Cooking is not as easy as it looks. For example, understanding the terminology and selecting the freshest ingredients. The biggest challenges in cooking are knowing where to begin and understanding a recipe's instructions. A cookbook can be helpful if it has pictures, but written instructions are not always easy. Good results mean having the right tools, such as skillets, sauce pans, spatulas, spoons, whisks, and so on. Who would have thought making breakfast would be so hard? There is a lot to learn (especially in cooking).
Cooking is not as easy as it looks. For example, the terminology alone is like learning another language. In addition, selecting the freshest ingredients for cooking is very important. One of the biggest challenges is learning where to begin. Cookbooks can help (especially those with pictures, because written instructions are not easy). Good results mean having the right tools, such as skillets, sauce pans, spatulas, spoons, whisks and others. Who would have thought making breakfast would be so hard? There is a lot to learn (especially in cooking).
Who would have thought making breakfast would be so hard? Cooking is not as easy as it looks. Some important challenges in cooking include understanding the terminology and selecting the freshest ingredients. Other major challenges are knowing where to begin and comprehending recipes that we read. Even washing and preparing fresh vegetables can be difficult. Written instructions are not easy, but cookbooks can be helpful (especially if they are illustrated). Good results mean having the right tools, such as skillets, sauce pans, spatulas, spoons, whisks and others. There is a lot to learn (especially in cooking).
Cooking is not as easy as it looks. One part of cooking that is difficult is understanding the terminology. In addition, selecting the freshest ingredients for cooking is important but difficult. Knowing where to begin, understanding the instructions, and washing and preparing fresh vegetables are other big challenges. Written instructions are not easy, but a cookbook can help if it has pictures. Good results means having the right tools, such as skillets, sauce pans, spatulas, spoons, whisks and others. Who would have thought making breakfast would be so hard? There is a lot to learn, especially in cooking.