Recently my class and I watched the movie "The Martian Child", and the teacher told us to write about the theme: Changed perspectives lead to Understanding. ~ The teacher said that this could be our delayed thesis if we wished.

This is how it needs to go:

DT~ Delayed Thesis
TS~ Topic sentence

POFO~ Plan of organization
1st Example

2nd Example
3rd Example

This is mine:

The Martian Child

Altered viewpoints show the way to consideration. The character of David in the movie, The Martian Child, changes his outlook about Martian child Dennis; David begins to understand Dennis and the situation he is in. This improvement in understanding leads to a healthier relationship between father and son. At the beginning of the movie, when David Gordon goes to the Foster Home to adopt a child, he finds Dennis to be different among the others. After getting to know somewhat about Dennis’s personality, and the similarities that they share, David decides to adopt him. David and his girlfriend Harley teach Dennis Baseball. Harley calls Dennis an “old soul”, which means that he has figured it out.

During the middle of the story, David starts finding Dennis annoying because he takes pictures of everything and steals personal possessions. David is unable to understand that Dennis needs his time; that he needs love, David is sick and tired of teachers saying that “Dennis needs special attention.” David’s sister Nicole also thinks that “[David] is going hysterical staying with Dennis”. David realizes that he loves Dennis, but he is angry at him for stealing his license. He tells Dennis that “[He] is normal, not Martian.”

David goes to a party, and his sister Nicole comes to babysit Dennis. Dennis is in his room when Nicole comes to check on him, but when she comes to check on him again, he has disappeared. David comes back home and discovers police at his house. He looks for Dennis with Harley. They see Dennis climbing on a building. David is horrified and scared because he does not want to lose Dennis. He goes up the building to save him. Dennis says “he has to go”. David tells Dennis to give him his hand. David tells Dennis that he is only his son and that he loves him. Dennis runs up to David and hugs him. They cry and end up being together at eh end. Thus, David learns that Dennis has a big heart and only needs his affection to understand about the world around him. David’s changed perspective about Dennis allows him to develop deep affection for him and become conscious of things he had not before.

3 answers

The only grammatical error is toward the end. at eh end = at the end.

Thanks, but does everything else look good, I mean make sense?
Most of this is very good. However, I don't understand what you mean by these two sentences. Please try to clarify them.

Harley calls Dennis an “old soul”, which means that he has figured it out.

David tells Dennis that he is only his son and that he loves him.