Rebecca Latimer Felton and her husband William H. Felton did a lot to put down the Bourbon Triumvirate. What were some of their accomlishments and do we need people like them today or no? Thanks -MC

7 answers

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answer it if you can
opinions perhaps?
nevermind i got it. thanks anyways-MC George I think your doing great! I would really be interested to see how you fixed your sonnet.
Oh haha about that, i quit on it ^_^ it was too hard; wrote a narrative instead :D
That's too bad. Most of the time, those things that present the greatest challenges are the most rewarding.

Sonnets and villanelles are probably the most challenging forms of poetry around, and yet when a poet has written a good one, it is usually quite memorable, beautiful, powerful, etc.


Scroll down a bit. Dylan Thomas's "Do Not Go Gentle ..." is one of the most famous (if not the most famous) villannelle of all. I hardly think he wrote it in a couple of hours.
i actually read that one for one of my Language Arts classes
Thanks for the url -MC