Read the remainder of "The Backup, Backup Goalie." below. Then use what you have learned in this unit to complete a table about the story. Write your answers on a sheet of paper. "Go Lyle, you've got this one buddy, go, go, go, go," Dean shouted. Then he turned to the bleachers behind him and roused fans to join in an unending, raucous cheer. The second half of the tournament proved to be a closely fought contest with Lyle fending off the Hawks' attack on their goal. The Stars battled the Hawks with the resolve of a small army going up against a giant force. The score was now 5-3 with the Stars closing in on a surprise victory, when the Hawks responded with a big comeback. They blasted Lyle with one hit after another bringing the score to 5-4. Near the end of the third period, Lyle fell over in pain. Before Dean knew it, the Coach was signaling him to take over for Lyle. Jason raced to the dressing room, put on his uniform, and sprinted back to the rink. Dean, the backup, backup, was now the team goalie, determined to face the Hawks with all his heart. "You can do this, Dean," he told himself, "no way you're going to let them get by you. Remember David and Goliath!" Getting on track was no easy job. A saucer pass surprised the Stars, leading to an easy shot against Dean, and bringing to the score to 5-5, a tie. But then, something shifted, and Dean hit the next biscuit— and the next and the next after that— back to his teammates. The Stars scored again before the Hawks headed for the goal and blasted Dean, who this time held his own against their offense. When the buzzer sounded for the end of the game, the Stars won 6-5. The Stars would now be headed for the Division finals, grateful for a backup, backup goalie with a big heart. Central idea Main theme Key incident Impact of an analogy Impact of an allusion Brief summary
1 answer
Main theme: The main theme of the story is the power of perseverance and overcoming obstacles.
Key incident: The key incident in the story is when Lyle, the main goalie, gets injured and Dean, the backup, backup goalie, is called upon to take his place.
Impact of an analogy: The analogy of David and Goliath is used to inspire Dean and give him the belief that he can succeed against the Hawks, who are seen as a formidable opponent.
Impact of an allusion: The reference to David and Goliath alludes to the biblical story of a young shepherd defeating a giant warrior, highlighting the underdog nature of the Stars and their determination to succeed.
Brief summary: In the second half of the tournament, Lyle, the main goalie, gets injured and Dean, the backup, backup goalie, is called upon to take his place. Initially struggling, Dean finds inspiration in the analogy of David and Goliath and manages to make several crucial saves, helping the Stars secure a surprise victory. The story highlights the importance of determination and believing in oneself, even when faced with difficult challenges.