Read the story "The Backup, Backup Goalie” and then complete Level 1 or Level 2 activity below.

Dean Rice sat in his usual spot in the bleachers, just behind the Stars hockey team. Though the other fans in the bleachers didn't know it, Dean was the Stars' backup, backup goalie, a goalie who, in two years, had never played in a game. Dean thought of himself as a one-man cheering squad, and he always threw himself into that role with his whole heart. Tonight, the Stars were playing in the division semifinals against the Hawks who were expected to win easily.
As the game started, hockey pucks ripped angrily across the ice from one side of the rink to the other. Jason, the Stars' goalie, fought valiantly against the Hawks' onslaught, the fans erupting into loud cheers with every save. Thanks to Jason's defensive efforts, the Stars took a quick 1-0 lead that soon became 2-0. Moments later, the Hawks fought back, and Jason was under siege. Halfway through the game he went down with a muscle tear in his calf, and Lyle, the backup goalie, took Jason's place.
The second half of the tournament proved to be a closely fought contest with Lyle fending off the Hawks' attack on their goal. The Stars battled the Hawks with the resolve of a small army going up against a giant force. The score was now 5-3 with the Stars closing in on a surprise victory, when the Hawks responded with a big comeback. They blasted Lyle with one hit after another bringing the score to 5-4. Near the end of the third period, Lyle fell over in pain.
Before Dean knew it, the Coach was signaling him to take over for Lyle. Jason raced to the dressing room, put on his uniform, and sprinted back to the rink. Dean, the backup, backup, was now the team goalie, determined to face the Hawks with all his heart. "You can do this, Dean," he told himself, "no way you're going to let them get by you. Remember David and Goliath!"
Getting on track was no easy job. A saucer pass surprised the Stars, leading to an easy shot against Dean, and bringing to the score to 5-5, a tie. But then, something shifted, and Dean hit the next biscuit— and the next and the next after that— back to his teammates. The Stars scored again before the Hawks headed for the goal and blasted Dean, who this time held his own against their offense. When the buzzer sounded for the end of the game, the Stars won 6-5. The Stars would now be headed for the Division finals, grateful for a backup, backup goalie with a big heart.
Level 1: Suppose you are writing an article for your school newspaper about the Stars vs. Hawks game. Write a one or two-paragraph news article explaining what happened at the game.
Level 2: Think about what you have learned about central ideas, theme, figurative language, and the impact of word choice. In two or three paragraphs, explain how a key incident and the author’s word choice in "The Backup, Backup Goalie" reveal character, theme, and tone.

Read the remainder of "The Funny Guy." below. Then complete Level 1 or 2.
That night, Joey pulled out a joke book and set his amazing memory to work on learning a bunch of jokes. He was determined not to let Ben Lee get to him again, and he had a plan to stop him. The next day, Joey got a group of his friends together and started telling jokes. Everyone was laughing up a storm when Ben came by.
"What time do ducks get up?" Joey said. "At the quack of dawn!" Seeing Joey steal his role again, Ben shook his head in annoyance.
But Joey had another joke for Ben. "Knock, knock. Who's there?" Joey asked. "Why it's Ben!"
"Ben who?" Several kids responded nervously.
"Ben getting jealous at other people’s jokes, haven’t you?" Joey said.
Caught by surprise, Ben remained speechless.
"Isn't it fun being on the wrong end of a joke?" Joey asked.
Level 1: Tell how Joey taught Ben a lesson by using verbal irony after telling some jokes with puns.
Level 2: Think about what you have learned about verbal irony, puns, and connotations. Analyze how Joey teaches Ben a lesson and stops Ben's bullying. Refer to puns, verbal irony, and connotations in your response.
Read "Replacing the Cake" below. Then, use what you have learned in this unit to complete Level 1 or 2 activity.
Replacing the Cake
Max knew they were in trouble when he saw his five-year-old brother, Anthony, with a face full of chocolate. He knew he shouldn’t have left Anthony alone while he was playing video games. Mom’s big potluck was in an hour, and Anthony had taken a big chunk out of the chocolate cake in the fridge. Now Mom would be going to the potluck empty-handed, and she’d never trust Max to babysit again. Unless . . .
An hour. Just enough time to bake another cake. He raced down to the basement. There in the back of the pantry he spotted it—cake mix! There was hope. He brought it upstairs and checked the ingredients list, which consisted of cake mix, eggs, water, and oil. No problem, as long as he could get to the oil at the cabinet above the fridge. The stepstool was nowhere to be found, so he’d have to stand on the counter, he thought to himself.
Just as he was reaching for the oil, the phone rang. “Hi Mom!” Anthony was saying a moment later. “Good. Max is standing on the counter, and we’re making a . . . .”
In the nick of time, Max grabbed the phone. “Oh, hi Mom. Of course, Mom, everything’s fine. Max is pulling your leg, you know I wouldn’t stand on the counter. . . . What are we making? Oh, right, just a, um, healthy snack.” Max glared at Anthony, who was still licking frosting off his face.
Mom was soon off the phone, and Max was back to racing against the clock. He preheated the oven, grabbed a mixing bowl. He measured out the water and oil and cracked the eggs into the bowl, and into the oven went the mixture. The 45 minutes of baking seemed to go on forever.
Finally, just a few minutes before Mom was to return home, he pulled the cake out of the oven. All that remained was to spread the frosting. He pulled the frosting out of the fridge—it looked a little stiff. Throwing caution to the wind, he dug in his spreading knife, retrieved a dollop of frosting, and smeared it across the cake. It was a disaster. The cake had not cooled, so the top crumbled, leaving a trail of crumbs in the frosting’s wake. He tried to cover it over with more frosting, but it was still too cold to spread. The cake was looking more like a craggy mountainside than the perfect dessert he had imagined. He had failed.
The door opened. “What smells so good?” Max’s mother asked. Max’s confession about Anthony’s misdeeds and his own failure spilled out in one long sentence. He was at his mother’s mercy.
“Oh, that’s all right,” his mother said with a reassuring smile, as she pulled a cheese plate from the fridge. “I’m bringing an appetizer. The cake was for you guys.”
Level 1: Think about what you have learned about suspense and humor. Revise “Replacing the Cake,” adding more examples of suspense and humor to the story.
Level 2: Think about the events described in “Replacing the Cake." Rewrite the story using a different structure, such as by beginning from the ending and describing what happened in a flashback.
Level 1: To show your mastery of the unit goals, write a description of a place in which you use a variety of verb moods to express your attitude about the place you chose. First, select a special location you know well. Next, write a paragraph in which you use at least three different moods as well as at least one example of passive voice.

Level 2: To show your mastery of the unit goals, write a description of a place in which you use a variety of verb moods to express your attitude about the place you chose. First, select a special location you know well. Next, write a paragraph in which you use at least four different moods as well as at least one example of passive voice. Make sure you use mood and voice appropriately and you avoid shifting voice or mood without a clear reason for doing so.

1 answer

Activity for "The Backup, Backup Goalie" - Level 1

Article: Stars Win Against Hawks Thanks to Unlikely Hero

In an exhilarating hockey matchup, the Stars took on the Hawks in the division semifinals, with the odds stacked against them from the start. After a solid performance by their starting goalie Jason, the Stars found themselves with a commanding 2-0 lead. Unfortunately for the Stars, Jason suffered a muscle tear midway through the game and had to leave the ice, handing the reins over to backup goalie Lyle. Despite his brave efforts, Lyle also fell injured, leaving the backup, backup goalie, Dean Rice, to step up in a high-pressure situation.

With the score tied at 5-5 after the Hawks made a surprising comeback, Dean entered the game with determination and a positive attitude. Despite a rocky start, he quickly found his footing, rejecting shot after shot and leading the Stars to a thrilling 6-5 victory. Dean’s heart and bravery in the face of adversity turned him into an unlikely hero, as the Stars advanced to the Division finals for the first time in years.

Activity for "The Backup, Backup Goalie" - Level 2

In "The Backup, Backup Goalie," a key incident occurs when Dean Rice, the rarely used backup, backup goalie, is thrust into an intense situation after both starting goalie Jason and backup goalie Lyle are sidelined due to injuries. The incident serves as a turning point not only for the game but also for Dean’s character. Initially seen as just a spectator in the bleachers, Dean's transition to the rink highlights his transformation from an overlooked player to a vital contributor. The author's word choice throughout this moment is impactful; phrases like "thrust into the spotlight" and "with all his heart" evoke a sense of urgency and determination, revealing Dean’s resilience and commitment to his team despite the pressure he faces.

The theme of perseverance is further underscored through the tone of the narrative. A mix of hope and tension as Dean prepares for his moment reveals the internal struggle of an underdog facing the odds. The contrasting descriptive language used to depict the excitement of the game, alongside Dean's self-talk to "remember David and Goliath," emphasizes the belief that courage can lead to triumph, regardless of prior experiences. This pivotal moment not only reinforces the theme of bravery but also creates a narrative arc that champions the idea that unexpected heroes can emerge when they are needed most. Dean's journey resonates with readers, illustrating that heart and determination can rewrite one’s story, even in the face of looming defeat.

Activity for "The Funny Guy" - Level 1

Joey taught Ben a valuable lesson using verbal irony after sharing a series of clever jokes. In the process of increasing his confidence with humor, Joey turned the tables on Ben, who had previously bullied him. By jokingly asking Ben, “What time do ducks get up?” and delivering the punchline, “At the quack of dawn!”, Joey successfully captured the attention of their peers and positioned himself as the center of laughter.

Further, his knock-knock joke cleverly targeted Ben directly by implying that Ben was jealous of others’ humor without directly confronting him. By doing this, Joey not only highlighted Ben’s behavior but also made the joke about Ben’s jealousy a part of the group dynamic. This use of verbal irony underlined the absurdity of Ben’s attempts to control the comedic attention, ultimately teaching him a lesson about not being a bully.

Activity for "The Funny Guy" - Level 2

In "The Funny Guy," Joey cleverly teaches Ben a valuable lesson through the application of verbal irony and puns. As he gathers his friends to share jokes, Joey transforms the moment of potential embarrassment into a display of cleverness and wit. The pun, “What time do ducks get up? At the quack of dawn!” not only wins the laughter of his peers but also serves as a subtle rebuke to Ben’s previous attempts to belittle him. The lighthearted nature of the joke contrasts sharply with the seriousness of bullying, highlighting how humor can serve as a powerful tool against negativity.

More striking is Joey's use of verbal irony when he delivers the line, “Knock, knock. Who's there? Why it's Ben!” Here, he weaves a joke that mirrors Ben's own behavior back at him, turning the tables and demonstrating the absurdity of Ben’s jealousy explicitly. The layering of humor and irony results in a connotation that implies that humor should be inclusive, rather than an instrument of exclusion or dominance. Ben’s surprised reaction further reinforces Joey’s mastery of the moment. Joey shifts the power dynamic with humor, illustrating that laughter can bridge divides and foster strength among peers, effectively stopping Ben's bullying tactics while also allowing Joey to reclaim his autonomy and confidence.

Activity for "Replacing the Cake" - Level 1

Revised “Replacing the Cake” with More Suspense and Humor

Max paced nervously, glancing frequently at the clock as he scrambled to come up with a plan. The weight of the impending potluck pressed heavily on his shoulders. He knew they were in trouble when he spotted his five-year-old brother, Anthony, with chocolate smeared all over his innocent little face—suddenly, the kitchen felt like a crime scene. Max rushed into the kitchen, thinking he could save the day, but the sight of the half-eaten cake sent him into a panic. His heart raced as he imagined Mom arriving home to discover the chocolate disaster.

Rummaging through the pantry, he felt as if he were on a treasure hunt for the last cake mix in existence. Just as he snagged it, the phone rang. "Oh no!" he thought, but couldn't let distractions win. Balancing precariously on the counter while also trying to mix the batter, Max's luck only grew worse. The mixing bowl flew out of his hands, sending a flurry of flour into the air like a snowstorm, and as he reeled from the mess, Anthony gleefully shoved a handful of frosting into his mouth—a scene reminiscent of a slapstick comedy.

Finally, as he pulled the once-beautiful cake from the oven, it appeared to be a geological catastrophe instead of a dessert. Crumbling and lopsided, it looked more like a failed science experiment than something that could be proudly presented at a potluck. Just when he thought all hope was lost, the sound of the door opening had him spinning in a frenzy, ready to confess his epic fail. But as mom emerged, cheese plate in hand, Max realized that they were off the hook—after all, it was the thought that counted, and he could always take full credit for being the hit of the kitchen...sort of!

Activity for "Replacing the Cake" - Level 2

Rewritten “Replacing the Cake” Beginning from the Ending with Flashback

The moment Max heard the door swing open, he braced himself, fully prepared to face the consequences of his culinary disaster. “What smells so good?” his mother asked, pulling out a cheese plate instead of the expected chocolate cake. Relief washed over him; he realized it wasn't just a cake for the potluck—it was a lesson learned.

But flashes of the frantic hours prior whirled in Max's mind. Just an hour ago, he had stumbled upon his five-year-old brother, Anthony, gleefully enjoying a face full of chocolate. Horror struck as Max pictured the empty cake platter that now sat tauntingly in the fridge. He recalled how he’d dashed to the pantry, hopeful at the sight of cake mix but quickly realized he was on a timer. Anxiety surged through him when the phone rang. “Hi Mom!” Anthony chirped, revealing Max’s precarious position standing on the counter.

As chaos unfolded, Max desperately mixed ingredients, hoping to create a masterpiece. Flour flew around him like confetti while he caught glimpses of Anthony lounging in a frosting haze, completely unfazed by the impending disaster. After a nerve-wracking 45 minutes, when the cake emerged from the oven, it was a craggy mess that bore no resemblance to the delicious dessert he had envisioned.

Returning to the present, Max marveled at how everything had worked out. His initial apprehension transformed into an understanding that sometimes things go wrong, but there’s always a silver lining. The kitchen showed the evidence of an unforgettable mishap, and as his mom reassured him, he knew this experience would become a cherished memory rather than just another failed cake.

Level 1 - Description of a Place with Different Verb Moods

The Beach at Sunset

The beach, with its soft golden sands and the rhythmic sound of waves crashing, brings a sense of peace to anyone who visits. If you can imagine the sun setting on the horizon, you will feel the warmth of its fading light and hear the joyous laughter of children at play. The salty breeze whispers across your face, as if nature herself is sharing a secret. At that moment, you might believe that paradise exists; happiness can truly be found here.

As the seagulls glide gracefully overhead, the air is filled with the aroma of sweet coconut and charcoal from nearby barbecues. The sky transforms into a masterpiece painted in vibrant hues of orange, pink, and purple—every shade an invitation to linger a little longer. Memories are created here, and it is often said that a sunset at the beach should be experienced by everyone at least once in their lifetime. In this enchanted place, where time feels almost suspended, a sense of tranquility washes over you, making you realize that such moments are meant to be cherished.

Level 2 - Description of a Place with Varied Verb Moods

The Enchanting Forest in Autumn

Nestled beyond the hustle and bustle of the city lies a forest that transforms into a vibrant tapestry of color each autumn. As you enter, you should prepare to be enveloped by the scent of earthy pine and crisp leaves underfoot. The trees, adorned with brilliant shades of burgundy and gold, beckon visitors to explore the hidden trails. With every step you take, it feels as though the forest whispers secrets of long-forgotten tales.

If you pause and listen closely, you might hear the soft rustling of wildlife nearby. Squirrels may dart playfully from branch to branch, and if you’re fortunate, a deer could just appear, silently watching you before gracefully disappearing into the thicket. This enchanting forest, often portrayed as a sanctuary of peace, evokes feelings of wonder in all who traverse its paths. It is a place where memories are made; laughter echoes off tree trunks, and stories are exchanged by the flickering light of campfires.

Even in the serene quietness, you can sense the magic of nature at work. It should be no surprise to discover that many claim to have found inspiration here, among the colorful leaves and towering trunks. Surely, moments spent in this forest are not merely adventurous but transformative, each visit leaving behind an imprint on the heart. If deep relaxation does not take hold, the beauty surrounding you guarantees that an exhilarating adventure awaits around the next bend.