Read the below excerpt from "The Odyssey" and use the text to answer this question: What advice from Circe is essential for Ulysses and his men to prepare for the Sirens

1 answer

In "The Odyssey," Circe provides crucial advice to Ulysses regarding the Sirens. She instructs him to plug the ears of his crew with beeswax so they cannot hear the Sirens' enchanting song, which lures sailors to their doom. Furthermore, she advises Ulysses to listen to the Sirens himself but warns him that if he becomes entranced, he should have his men bind him tightly to the mast of the ship, ensuring he cannot act on his desire to steer the ship towards the Sirens. This guidance is essential for Ulysses and his men to safely navigate past the Sirens without succumbing to their fatal call.