Poverty harms a country in multiple significant ways, creating barriers to economic and social development. First, income inequality exacerbates the gap between the rich and the poor, with the richest 20% in various Latin American countries receiving more income than the bottom half of the population combined. This inequality limits access to education, hindering economic growth as a less educated workforce lacks the necessary skills for higher-paying jobs. Additionally, crime and corruption further destabilize economies, as corrupt officials can deter businesses from operating in affected regions, while the illegal drug trade incites violence that discourages investment. Summarizing, poverty leads to income inequality, limited educational opportunities, increased crime and corruption, and inadequate infrastructure, all of which collectively damage a country's economic potential and social fabric.
read the following excerpt from the e-text and answer the question below using the RACES method. As a reminder, you must use evidence from the provided text. have the minimum of 4 sentences and a summarization at the end.
How does Poverty harm a country?
1. Income inequality. Income inequality puts a gap between the rich and the poor. the richest 20% of the population gets more money than the half of all the country's income in Mexico, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Dominican republic, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua.
2. Poverty limits educational opportunities, which holds back economic growth due to workers with less education and training than skilled workers.
3. Crime and Corruption. Corrupted government officials may demand payments as a condition for doing business. businesses may possibly avoid making jobs in that country.
4: Illegal drug trade. This drug trade has a high rate of crime, which also harms the economy. They discourage investment and businesses may avoid making or opening offices and factories if they suspect they may be robbed or face dangerous violence.
5. The government has to use resources to help people living in poverty so they can survive.
6.A lack of good Infrastructure. A lack of good Infrastructure or networks of structures such as highways, water supplies, and electrical grids cause the economy to be held back as well. If a business cannot rely on transportation to customers, water or electricity, then the business will not create jobs in that region.
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