Read each of the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.
Many plant foods naturally contains toxins in small amounts, so through they're generally safe to eat, consuming them in very large amounts could be harmful. Potatoes that have been exposed to light and turned green, for example, contains increased amounts of solanine, a toxin that can cause fever, diarrhea, paralysis, and shock. (Luckily, peeling potatoes usually removes the green layer and the potato can be safely eaten. If it tastes bitter, however, throw it out.) Wild lima beans contain high amounts of cyanogenic glycosides, which can be converted to the poison, cyanide. (Lima beans sold commercially have mineral amounts of this substance, so are safe to eat.) Cassava also contains cyanogenic glycosides and has been known to cause cyanide poisoning in people who eat large amounts of this root vegetable. Raw soy-cyanide poisoning in people who eat large amounts of this root vegetable. Raw soybeans contain amylase inhibitors, which are inactivated when cooked or fermented.
I underlined Many plant foods naturally contains toxins in small amounts, so through they're generally safe to eat, consuming them in very large amounts could be harmful.
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