Raising livestock and burning trash are two examples of human activities that have an impact on water resources. Select one and construct an argument about whether its effect on water resources is positive or negative. Support your answer with evidence and reasoning..

5 answers

I will argue that raising livestock has a negative impact on water resources.

Firstly, the livestock industry is a major contributor to water pollution. Livestock, such as cows and pigs, produce significant amounts of manure. The excessive amounts of manure generated by large-scale factory farming operations often leads to the contamination of nearby water sources. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, livestock operations are one of the primary sources of water pollution in rivers, lakes, and groundwater. The manure contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, which when washed into water bodies, can cause harmful algal blooms, leading to oxygen depletion, fish kills, and even affecting human health.

Additionally, livestock farming requires vast amounts of water. From drinking water for the animals to irrigating feed crops, the overall water consumption by the livestock industry is substantial. According to a study published in Nature, about one-third of the global freshwater resources are used for livestock production. This water demand puts additional strain on already scarce water resources, especially in regions suffering from water scarcity or drought.

Moreover, raising livestock contributes to deforestation which has long-term detrimental effects on water resources. Large areas of forests are cleared to make way for livestock grazing or to cultivate animal feed crops. Deforestation disrupts the natural water cycle, reducing the capacity of forests to absorb rainfall and recharge underground aquifers. This disruption can lead to diminished water availability in downstream areas, impacting both ecosystems and human populations that depend on the water supply.

In conclusion, the effect of raising livestock on water resources is predominantly negative. The industry contributes to water pollution through the excessive amounts of manure produced, depletes water supplies due to its substantial water consumption, and accelerates deforestation, disrupting the natural water cycle. Adapting sustainable practices in livestock farming such as responsible waste management, efficient water usage, and reduced deforestation can help mitigate these negative impacts and protect our precious water resources.
shorten the answer
Raising livestock has a negative impact on water resources. The industry contributes to water pollution through excessive manure production, depletes water supplies due to high water consumption, and accelerates deforestation, disrupting the natural water cycle. Sustainable practices can help mitigate these negative impacts.
use simpler terms
Raising livestock has a bad effect on water resources. It causes water pollution from too much animal waste, uses a lot of water, and contributes to deforestation, which disrupts the natural water cycle. We need to use more sustainable practices to reduce these problems.