Rédige un texte réaliste dans lequel tu inséreras, en les soulignant,

a)3 termes qui se termine pas les sons /ar/ (ex:cigare,canard,tard...)

b)3 termes poysémiques (un mot qui a plusieurs sens) qui appartient au champ lexical (un ensemble de mot qui font penser a un terme commun, ex:mer,soleil,piscine=vacances) de "caterpillar" (ex:construire,grue,t-shirt...)

I don't need help with all of the question. I'm having trouble with the second part (b). I can't find 3 words which each have more than one meaning.


2 answers

b)mots possibles :

grue(in french it's a bird)
marteau(object and a bone)
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Since you can't do the accent marks, it would be best if you merely type what you need without trying for accent marks. Thus, it will be far easier for us to read!

1. other possibilities: car, gare, par, tartare

2. Must they be the same gender? (un livre vs. une livre) l'aile = wing, brim of hat
serviette = napkin, briefcase
la bourse = purse, scholarship, even stock exchange
