Réécrivez les phrases avec l'adverbe qui correspond a chaque adjectif. Faites attention au placement de l'adverbe.

1. Karine et Mathilde sortent (frequent)

2. Fabien lit le journal (quotidien)

3. Sara termine ses devoirs. (facile)

4. michel conduit (mauvais)

5. Je parle a mon petit frère. (doux)


Thank you SO much!

3 answers

Watch your spelling. In French, all errors with accents and punctuation count as a spelling mistake.
"...correspond à chaque..."
"4. Michel ... "
"5. Je parle à mon ...

To get things started, I suggest you look up the dictionary and find the adverbs that correspond to the given words, then place them appropriately as best as you can. Post what you've got and we'll help you check your answers.

Hint: one of the 5 words is already an adverb.
Since this exercise seems to be about forming adverbs and placing them correctly in the sentence, here's a little "review" for you:

Adverbs: Formation, Position

1. To form the adverb, -ment is added to the masculine singular of an adjective that ends in a vowel.
autre = autrement / vrai - vraiment

2. If the masculine singular of the adjective ends in a consonant, -ment is added to the feminine singular.
affreux - affreusement / fou - follement

3. A few adjectives change mute "e" to é before adding - ment.
énorme - énormément / profond - profondément

4. Adjectives ending in -ant and -ent have adverbs ending in -amment and -emment.
évident - ´évidemment / EXCEPTION is lent - lentement

5. A few adjectivs are used in the masculine singular as adverbs:
bas = parler bas / bon - sentir bon / droit - aller droit

6. As a substitute for an adverb, or where no adverb exists, French often uses the exprssion "d'une façon" or "d'une manière" with a modifying adjective.
Elle a parlé d'une façon charmante.
Il agit "d'une manière" intelligente.


ailleurs - elsewhere
ainsi - thus, so
alors - then
après - afterwards
assez - enough, quit
aujourd'hui - today
(It's a much longer list but if you ask for it, I'll be glad to type it all out.

A few adverbs have irregular comparisons:
bien / mieux / le mieux (positive, comparative, superlative)
mal / plus mal or pis / le plus mal or le pis
beacoup / plus / le plus/
peu / moins / le moins

(IF ans when you get to Comparisons of Adverbs, let me know for there is more to tell.)

An adverb modifying a verb, in a smple tense is usually placed directly AFTER that verb.
Il prononce distinctement ses paroles.

In compound tenses, the position of the adverb varies. Most adverbs, espcially long ones and adverbs of time and place, generally follow the past participle. A few com mon ones, such as "bien, mal, souvent, toujours, déjà, encore" as well as adverbs of quantity, usually PRECEDE the past participle.
Le médecin est venu immédiatement hier.
Nous avons beaucoup dormi ce jour-là.

Sra (aka Mme)
Nota bene :
mauvais : adjectif masculin singulier, s'utilise avec un nom. Ne pas confondre avec " mal ", adverbe, qui s'utilise avec un verbe.
EX : Mon anglais est mauvais.
Je parle mal anglais