questions for short story Stones by sandra birdsell.
1) in two sentences retell the story.
2a) Compare the descriptions of the two woman's laughter in paragraph three. Explain how the similes capture the personalities of each of these characters.
2b) consider why the mother's laughter sounds like wind chimes when she is talking to the doctor
3) The narrator sees her family as the "have nots" and the Hallmans as the "haves". List the symbols in the story that represents these two expressions.
thank u soooo much!!!!!!
25 answers
How would you like us to help you with this assignment?
i need help answering it. i don't understand the story
pls someone help
I'm sorry. I haven't read this story. This is the only reference I've found to it. Maybe it will help you.
okay but that reference doesnt help answer my first question........ thank u anyways
im sorry but the reference does not help....... i still do not understand.... is there any way u can read it now(2 pages) and help me pls... im realy stuck....
I'd read it, but it's not available online.
ive found a site with the story, would that help....
it is available online
go to google and type symbols in short story stones by sandra birdsell, press enter and scroll down to find a site called PDF Stones by Sandra Birdsell - My Class Sites and u will find the story
go to google and type symbols in short story stones by sandra birdsell, press enter and scroll down to find a site called PDF Stones by Sandra Birdsell - My Class Sites and u will find the story
pls i really need help
Thanks. I just read it.
1. The narrator is a girl in a poor family. She and her mother are envious of the rich family who have just moved next door to them.
OK -- There's the first answer.
I'll be glad to check your answers for the other questions.
1. The narrator is a girl in a poor family. She and her mother are envious of the rich family who have just moved next door to them.
OK -- There's the first answer.
I'll be glad to check your answers for the other questions.
Thank u!! Okay for the third question can I say the symbols might be jelousy and selfish?
Thanks and for symbols can I write jealosy and selfish
Those are feelings, not symbols. A symbol is a real thing that represents something else like an emotion.
And for each womans laugh can I say that ms hallmans has almost like an evil laugh and the mothers more of like a fake laugh(like she didn't find it funny, she may have found it offensive) is that right? And I'm still having diffuculties on why the mothers laugh sounds like wind chimes when talking to the doctor???????? :(
I disagree. The narrator thinks that Ms. Hallman's laugh is pleasant and real.
When the mother is talking to the doctor, she sounds pleasant -- and even a little flirty.
When the mother is talking to the doctor, she sounds pleasant -- and even a little flirty.
Ms Sue I finished all the questions but I really only need help on the question 2b) consider why the mother's laughter sounds like wind chimes when she is talking to the doctor
The mother wants to impress the doctor.
Are u disagreeing with my answer because it is wrong or is it your opinion???? I want to make sure I get the right answer
How do I summarize this story in 3-4 sentences
Is anyone there? I need help on the summarizing asap!
A new family moves next door and the neighboring family wants to engage in a friendship. However, as the story goes on their desire to become friends, slowly fades into envy, of the family; finally, the feelings of dislike are turned to action, when the second eldest child of five, decides to drive a wedge between the two families, with a simple lie.
im smart