Are the following workers more likely to experience short-term or long-term unemployment? Explain.
a. A construction worker laid off because of bad weather.
b. A manufacturing worker who loses her job at a plant in an isolated area.
c. A stagecoach-industry worker laid off because of competition from railroads.
d. A short-order cook who loses his job when a new restaurant opens across the street.
e. An expert welder with little formal education who loses her job when the company installs automatic welding machinery.
My Answers:
a. I would think that the construction worker would experience short-term unemployment since the bad weather is just short term.
b. I think that the manufacturing worker is more likely to experience long-term unemployment since she worked in an isolated area.
c. I think that the stagecoach-industry worker would experience long-term unemployment since the worker worked in a dying industry, where railroads will take up much of the stagecoach-industry's business.
d. I think that the short-order cook would experience short-term unemployment since there would be many other places that would need his services.
e. I think that the expert welder will experience long-term unemployment since she has little formal education and would have a hard time finding a job that was as close as possible to her salary that she was asking as an expert welder.
I agree with your answers.
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